Schedule Pop-up Classes Easily

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Schedule Pop-up Classes Easily

How Does it Work?

Create an Account
1. Create an Account

Set up a seller account and enable it to collect money through our quick process.

Create Sign Ups
2. Create Sign Ups

Build a sign up with our step-by-step wizard to register class participants and collect fees. Payment can be optional or required.

Collect Money
3. Collect Money

Participants can pay for classes with a credit card or debit card. The money will be deposited into the instructor or organization's bank account.

Fees and the Fine Print

  • Participants do not need to create a SignUpGenius account to sign up and pay for a class.
  • Fees equal 5% of the purchase plus $0.50 per transaction.
  • The class organizer decides whether service fees are paid by the class participant or organizer.
  • Organizers can add images to sign up slots for product sales.
  • Organizers can set up class discounts based on the date or quantity purchased.

Don't just take our word for it