Easy-to-send sign up invites and interest forms make it simple for PTAs and administrators to recruit volunteers. Free automated reminders help participants keep up with their responsibilities, saving you time and money.
PTAs often supplement their budget with fundraising efforts. Reach more people easily by using SignUpGenius to support your fundraising efforts online.
LEARN MOREBetter communication allows for teachers to more effectively promote positive learning outcomes. SignUpGenius makes real-time, two-way communication easy, keeping parents engaged instead of bombarding them with constant push messaging.
We take security and privacy seriously, yet we also understand that school groups thrive with collaboration and delegation. Our tool allows sign up creators to assign multiple admins in one SignUpGenius account, setting permissions for each role and ensuring school data is secure in one location.
Collaborate, delegate and manage sign ups easily with the multiple admins feature!
LEARN MORESchools have many class parties and events during the year and SignUpGenius ensures volunteers can be easily managed and communicated with. You can even request specific party supplies to ensure you get the right supplies in the right amount.
Use a sign up to organize and easily communicate your supply needs in an easy-to-understand format.
With SignUpGenius, it's easy for volunteers to sign up and it's easy for the admin to manage the group.
Allow participants to swap responsibilities to save yourself time but still keep necessary coverage for upcoming events.
Allow participants to swap sign up duties themselves if something comes up!
Have your group opt-in to text messaging for seamless communication.
LEARN MOREWith simple-to-use sign ups and automated communications, SignUpGenius makes managing volunteer programs and committees both time and cost-effective.
Room parents and teachers often keep track of many payments. If you are gathering money for a group gift or collecting fees for class projects and materials, have people pay online securely via your sign up.
Use SignUpGenius to collect fees and donations easily!
LEARN MORECustomize the colors and images on your portal page to match the branding guidelines of your organization.
LEARN MOREOrganize the parent teacher conference schedule for the whole school. One administrator can create consistent sign ups for the whole school or district. Use our multiple administrator feature to allow individual access to teachers.
Create account administrators for teachers with the appropriate permission level while centralizing district-wide control.
LEARN MOREAllow students to easily sign up for tutoring sessions, study groups, clubs, sports, after-school classes and more, while enabling quick and easy two-way communication.
With a tabbed sign up display, students, parents and teachers can quickly view all opportunities available.
LEARN MORECoordinate ongoing opportunities for teachers to learn and grow. Schedule seminars, certification courses, training events and more throughout a calendar year.
Use a sign up to coordinate all of your teacher training opportunities and then direct participants back to your website for more information.
LEARN MOREGet unlimited access to high-level features.
"SignUpGenius is amazing! I've used it for a few years, but this year we upgraded, and it has been a game changer for our school! Being able to have that summary page with all the school sign ups together and being able to have multiple admins is well worth the cost of the yearly membership. ... Each time I think of ideas for new features, I find that you are already way ahead of me. Thank you so much for all you do!"
St. Joseph's Catholic School
Moorehead, MN