Genius Hack: Add, Edit or Delete People on Your Sign Up

features add edit delete manage sign up

Organizing an event can be like playing a game of chess. You’ve got to know exactly where to position your queens and kings for it to be a success. As a sign up creator, you can add, edit, delete or even move people on your sign up to another slot. Checkmate. 

If someone cancels or needs to swap sign up slots with another person, you can easily make the change. 

Use the Add/Edit/Delete Button to:

  • Remove people manually from the sign up. For example, if someone contacts you asking to be removed from the sign up, you can handle it for them.
  • Add people to the sign up. This is helpful in cases when people have signed up on paper or verbally communicated their sign up commitment to you. It’s also useful if you have participants uncomfortable with technology, but you still want to keep track of everyone on the sign up sheet.
  • Edit a sign up. You can make easy fixes on a sign up. For example, if a person entered the wrong information in the comment box or signed up for a greater quantity than they wanted, you can correct that information.
  • Move people on a sign up. This way, you can reschedule and redistribute people to different slots or swap people who want to trade their sign up spots.

Get Started 

To begin, log in to your account and locate the sign up that you need to edit. Once you click on your sign up, you will see the Admin’s Toolbar along the top. Click the Add / Edit / Delete People button. 

features add edit delete manage sign up

On the next screen, you will see these options: Sign Someone UpMove Selected and Delete Selected. If you have people signed up, you will also see their sign ups listed on this page.

features add edit delete manage tool

Select the sign up slot(s) you want to edit, delete or move — or choose the option to sign someone up. 

When you add a participant, you can choose the Select from Groups tab to include someone from a current group or the Add New Person tab to enter someone by just name and email. 

You’ll then choose any items/slots for the person. 

features manage add people to sign up

If you are altering an RSVP sign up, you will see an option to RSVP for someone. From there, you will see an Edit button next to each RSVP where you can select and make the appropriate changes to sign ups. 

It’s that simple! Now that you know about these powerful tools, you’re ready to manage your sign up like a pro! Game on.

Create a Sign Up