4 Ways to Collect Money on Sign Ups

illustration of laptop and browser with stacked coins

Planning events like classes, camps, seminars and fundraisers can make your day-to-day get a little hectic. If you throw in tracking people down to collect registration and class fees on top of normal event planning, it may seem like you need to be an organizing superhero to get everything done in time.

This just in! You can use our collect money tool, LumaPay, to help hone your organizing superpowers to true genius levels. Check out the following ways you can collect money on sign ups — even Wonder Woman might be jealous!

Prepare your Pilates Program

Get your fitness business up and running quickly with the aid of sign ups. List your session dates and times on your sign up and post the sign up link on your Facebook page or website so people can see available classes and sign up for the times that suit their schedule.

Instead of waiting until the day of to collect cash on arrival, the collect money feature allows you to secure payment from participants when they sign up for the session. Additionally, if someone needs to cancel, they simply contact the sign up administrator and you can issue a refund.

It will always be an achievement to see people stick with your fitness program and watch them grow stronger on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Encourage loyalty among your customers by offering a discount if they book multiple sessions at once.

screenshot of pilates class registration sign up

Feed Folks for Fundraising

Selling plates of food is always an easy way to fundraise for your organization. People give money and get food in return — it’s a win-win situation for everyone. Whether you are a booster club raising funds for the team or a nonprofit raising money for a cause, you can easily take orders for food in advance. This helps you budget the right amount of food and plan ahead to ensure there is no waste.

Taking online orders also helps you build a database of supporters that you can email about future events. You can even integrate with our partner CRM tool to help you better manage your donor base. Set up a Fundly campaign to show progress toward your fundraising goal at the top of the sign up page.

Now that you’ve sold plates in advance online, you know how much BBQ or other food to cook up for the big day. Send emails directly to those on the sign up and keep your donors in the communication loop regarding picking up their food or attending the meal.

screenshot of athetic booster club bbq fundraiser sign up

Finance a Fantastic Fall Festival

Whether it is an auction, carnival or camp, schools are always hosting events that require registration and selling tickets for the event. When your school hosts a Fall Festival or Spring Fling Carnival, every student will want to enjoy the wonders of bumper cars, tie-dye shirts and cotton candy.

That is where our collect money feature can come in handy! When you add this tool to your sign up, parents can easily see all the logistics for the carnival and pay for the number of tickets they would like to purchase. Or, sell a flat rate entry fee to simplify things. Students will be racing to the teacup ride in a flash!

You can also include slots to buy tickets to smaller items such as special carnival-themed school merchandise. As long as you have set up payments on your sign up, you can add images to the items you are selling directly. Take a look at our Carnival Planning Guide for more organizing tips and tricks.

screenshot of elementary school harvest festival sign up

Formulate a 5k Fundraiser

5k races are great options for nonprofits to fundraise throughout the year. While it can take a genius organizing committee to nail down all the planning requirements for this event, we’ve got the tools to help simplify this process. That way it’s easy to get people to registered and running for a cause.

Specifically, the collect money feature can help gather the registration fee from each runner that includes the cost of participation, bib, t-shirt, and any other items that are part of the fundraising price to run. While you’re in the midst of planning your event, get inspired with these creative 5k race themes and ideas!

Make sure to decide whether you want to assign the fee for collecting money to be covered by you (the seller) or the participant (the buyer). If you decide to cover the fee, the cost will be deducted from the total amount that you collect via your sign up. Once you start collecting fees, you can retrieve money from payment sign ups via direct deposit or a mailed check.

screenshot of 5k registration sign up

Eliminate the back and forth of collecting money for your event and secure an easy way to plan, organize, and guarantee payment all within the workings of your sign up. Your planning superpowers will be unmatched after you master collecting money — next step, world domination! Alright, alright, maybe not that far, but we love the enthusiasm!

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