Sign Up Guide: Build a Survey

sign up guide build a survey

Do you need to collect information from a group of people? It’s easy to integrate survey questions with your event registrations, team meeting schedules, meal sign ups and more.

Add Survey Questions to Your Sign Up

Begin by creating your sign up. After you select the design and enter slots and dates/times, proceed to the Settings step.

In the Settings step, click More under “Ask Participants For:” and select Add a Custom Question. You can then add an existing question or choose to Create New Question.

When creating a new custom question or editing an existing one, you can adjust the question format, add values and choose to make the question required or optional.

edit existing custom question

From there, simply save and continue on with publishing and inviting people to sign up.

When people access your sign up, they’ll see the survey questions once they sign up for a certain slot and submit it. For example, if you are collecting sign ups and gauging interest for specific committees, people will select the committee they want to sign up for. Then they’ll see the survey questions they’ll need to complete.

list of survey questions on participant page

How to Download Survey Data

Once everyone has had a chance to sign up and complete the survey, you can view this data in a report. Access reports by clicking the Reports & Stats button in the Admin’s Toolbar at the top of your sign up while logged in to your account, or directly in the Reports section of your account.

Generate a new report by selecting the sign up(s) you want to download under “Include the Following Sign Ups” and setting a specific date range (or including all dates from the selected sign ups).

When selecting the Report Style, choose List of Sign Ups for Export to Excel. From there, either show all fields or only select fields. Your survey questions will appear under Custom Fields.

report style list of sign ups for export to Excel - select fields

When you click Create Report, you’ll see the report populated in your account. You can click the orange Export Data as CSV File button to download it as a spreadsheet. From there, you can open in Excel or any spreadsheet software of choice.

And there you have it! A simple way to keep all your survey data in line. Survey says: you’re an organizing genius.

Create a Sign Up