5 Reasons to Love SignUpGenius

illustration of people surrounded by hearts

If you are planning, organizing or hosting events for groups, then SignUpGenius is the perfect tool for you. We have resources to help you simplify your organizing efforts and keep everyone informed.

Our helpful features can help you manage participants and events from streamlining communication to sign up consolidation. Whether you are organizing a fundraiser, scheduling a meeting or planning a party; here are five reasons we think you will love using our solution!

It’s an easy way to collect RSVPs   

Sending sign ups to your participants gives you an easy way to track your headcount for whatever event you are planning. You can achieve this by selecting the RSVP format on your sign up which automatically allows you to see who will and will not be attending. 

For those who forget to select their response, an automatic reminder email will be generated through our system to let them know that their RSVP is still needed, one way or another. This feature works best if you are hosting a party, and we have 4 common RSVP sign ups that are frequently created on our site.  

screenshot of baby shower RSVP sign up

While the RSVP feature requests a specific yes or no for your event, if you prefer to collect registrations without the RSVP format, select the Sort by Slot layout. You can still get a head count and see how many people will be at your event by checking the number of slots filled.  

You can automate sign up communications

Do you need to remind your participants of their commitments, but don’t have the time to do it yourself? When creating your sign up, make sure that you choose to send automatic reminders out to your participants.  

This reminder can be scheduled to send anywhere between 1-14 days prior to your event. Using this feature ensures that everyone involved will be reminded of their commitments for your upcoming event, with no added stress to your schedule.  

If you have additional details or documents to share with your participants, our Custom Confirmation and Reminder feature allows for attachments and personalized messaging.  

screenshot of email reminder area

Sync events straight to a calendar

We have two different calendar sync options through our site, one specifically for sign up participants and the other for sign up creators. The first option allows participants to add an item or event to their personal calendar after they have signed up for something. This helps to keep your participants organized and accountable on their end.  

Our calendar sync feature for creators synchronizes the entire sign up to the creator's personal calendar. This adds all current and future sign ups for your event to your calendar of choice. If you are scheduling appointment bookings through sign ups, then this is a perfect feature for you. Time slots will automatically be added to your calendar keeping you up to date on all your appointments. 

screenshot of calendar sync option

Keep multiple sign ups consolidated

Some events have a lot of moving parts from collecting donations to organizing registrants to scheduling vendors; or you may just have multiple dates and locations to schedule. To keep everything organized and in one place, it’s best to create multiple sign ups for your event and display them together.  

With our tabbing feature you can consolidate all your sign ups in an easy to locate place for your participants. This also allows you to send out one invitation to multiple sign ups, simplifying things for you and your participants! 

screenshot of tabbed elementary school sign ups

Lessen your load with multiple admins

Managing multiple events can be overwhelming, which is why our multiple administrators feature is so helpful! If you are juggling several sign ups on your account, you can easily assign an additional admin to take charge of specific tasks.

When adding multiple admins to your account, you can customize the level of permissions that are granted to each one. For instance, you can allow some people to create and manage sign ups, while others can monitor if slots are being filled for your events.

To set this up, select “Manage Administrators” in the “Tools” area of your account. Once there, select the orange “Add Custom Role” button, and you will be set to add helpers and assign their roles.

screenshot of custom admin role fields

Each of these features will help you achieve an organized and simplified planning process for your group events. Try these tips out for yourself and see if you love using SignUpGenius as much as we do!

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