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#MakeADifference Contest Winners!

In our #MakeADifference Photo Contest sponsored by our friends over at SlickPic, we gave you the opportunity to tell us about your favorite nonprofit and submit a photo representing how that organization makes a difference. Voters chose the “People’s Choice” favorite nonprofit to win a $1,000 prize, while a judging panel also selected a “Judge’s Choice” winning nonprofit that will receive $500.

We want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of our #MakeADifference Photo Contest entrants for sharing with us. We are now thrilled to announce our WINNERS!

RedCollar Rescue Winner

People’s Choice Winner
RedCollar Rescue in Houston, TX
Entered by: Andrea Johnson

Andrea Johnson’s favorite nonprofit is RedCollar Rescue, an “animal welfare charity dedicated to providing rescue services, medical care, foster care, training and adoptive placement to stray and abandoned dogs and cats in Houston and surrounding areas.” As Johnson’s contest entry notes, “They NEVER give up on any animal even when it seems the odds are against them.” The photo entered in our contest shows Thor who made the KHOU news upon being shot in the head. RedCollar Rescue has been there to help Thor, along with many other furry friends in need. With RedCollar Rescue’s passion and drive to help animals it is no wonder why they have the loyal following and support that they do. Congratulations to the RedCollar Rescue crew and thanks for making a difference!

HeartBound Ministries Contest EntryJudge’s Choice Winner
HeartBound Ministries in Atlanta, GA
Entered by: Andrea Shelton

Our judge’s choice decision was a tough one with so many amazing organizations to choose from. Yet, the ballots are in and we have a clear winner. HeartBound Ministries in Atlanta, GA truly warmed our judges’ hearts with the group’s mission for helping others by providing necessary bonding opportunities between children and their incarcerated parents. As Shelton writes in her entry, “HeartBound Ministries sponsors a program designed to equip incarcerated dads to become committed, involved, responsible fathers. The program culminates in a Returning Hearts Celebration, a day where dads can just be dads and serve their children as they serve their time. A day like this is so important for the children and cherished by the fathers. In this photo, you see a dad experience the joy of watching his daughter play kitchen.” We are thrilled to honor HeartBound Ministries for all they do to make a difference.


Our hope in rewarding these courageous and loving charities is to shine a light on people making a difference, and maybe even inspire others to get involved with an organization or cause they feel passionate about. Tell us about one you support on our Facebook page.

Many thanks to our #MakeADifference Contest sponsor SlickPic who made this contest possible. SlickPic makes it easy to share, showcase and promote your photos and leave your mark on the world. If you haven’t visited their site yet, you're missing out! Hop on over to visit them HERE. You will see how they can make a difference in your photo sharing needs.